Is Ricaly Reliable?

Is it safe to buy from Ricaly ?

We receive these questions frequently on our social networks.

Buying online can be confusing, but we're here to make sure your online shopping experience is a breeze. Ricaly is safe and reliable.

HTTPS Protocol

Our website uses HTTPS and SSL to ensure secure communication between you and our servers. HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) is an internet protocol that protects the integrity and confidentiality of data exchanged between your browser and our website. This means that any information sent or received, such as personal data and payment information, is protected from malicious interception. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) adds an extra layer of security by encrypting this information, making it unreadable to unauthorized third parties.


Is Lenogue Trustworthy?

Recognized Certificates

We use security certificates validated by renowned companies, including Google . These certificates confirm that our website meets the highest industry security standards. When you see the Google Security Seal in the footer of our homepage, you know that our website has undergone rigorous security testing and passed, ensuring that your personal and financial information is safe throughout your browsing and transaction.


Is Lenogue Trustworthy?

How to Identify a Trustworthy Website?

  • Market Time: Choose companies that have been in business for a long time. Companies that have been in business for many years are generally more reliable, as they have a reputation to uphold and a history of good service and safety.
  • Cloning Verification: Always check that the website URL matches the company you know and trust. Cloned websites may use similar, but not identical, domains. Also check that the logo and look of the website are consistent with what you expect.
  • Customer Reviews: Experiences from other customers are a great way to determine whether a website is trustworthy. Read reviews and see how the company handles feedback. Websites with lots of positive, detailed reviews are generally more trustworthy.
  • Trusted Domains: Prefer sites with domains ending in and .com . These domains are more common and usually belong to legitimate companies. Be careful with less common domains, such as .xyz, .ru, .cn , which are often used by fraudulent websites.